Tuesday, 23 August 2011

New Ideas for 3rd year!

Over the summer I have began to brain storm some ideas to make the work easier for myself in Septemeber. I began by producing mind maps around a theme of Down at the bottom of the garden, for the reasons that I have constantly kept to a floral theme through out my degree and I'd like this years work to be the best it can be and try a slightly different direction-still however keeping it for interior purposes-wallpaper/hangings etc. I began by adding words like butterflies, dragonflys, insects, flowers, caterpillas, lady birds, bees, fairys and frogs. All wonderful brightly coloured things and full of pattern and detail to draw, manipulate etc. I want to experiment with drawing techniques, print, laser cutting and continue with developing my CAD skills to produce wonderful exciting colourful surface patterns for interior purposes. I've had ideas of still producing wallpapers but also would like to work towards producing fine wallhangings/lengths again along with wall art and greeting cards and gift bags like I did previously; to demonstrate how else my surface designs can be put into practice into a commercial environment.
After beginning browsing the internet and researching the theme in more detail I relised how vast my theme was and maybe it needed narrowing down abit and focusing on one area.
Butterflys was my favourite. The colours, patterns and textues within the wings were beautiful and I could see potential and more ideas were flowing turning into many more mind maps. Next step research...
I came across many inspiring pieces and designers...
E.A seguy.....

I love the texture and the intense colours mixed with abstract pattern.

Catherine Hammerton....
 This is an idea that had sprang to mind with me... 3D elements on wallpaper. I could achieve this using the laser cutter

Jennifer Angus.....

Shanan Camparira....

Also the website Tactile Wonderland was of great inspiration. Images taken from the webpage below

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